Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Giants Knocking on the Door

I am feeling vulnerable, insecure and scared. There is a giant knocking on my door. Yet again he returns to feed on my fears and this time the focus is my health. In the past week or so, I have had some concerns that my body is changing (probably due to the start of menopause) however that doesn't stop it playing on my mind.

Fear has been my companion for the past forty years. It has walked beside me, told me I wasn't good enough, told me I cannot do that, held me back and has played a part in so many decisions that I have lost count. About 12 months ago, I decided enough was enough. It was time. Time to find a new companion and one that would lift me up and not bring me down. So I was determined to distance myself from this giant.

He's back and obviously there is a part of no that he doesn't understand. This giant is the one I find the hardest to shake. Once he gets back in the door, he twists thought patterns, plants doubt and makes mountains out of mole hills. So yesterday I spent some time in prayer and two words stood out - peace and protection. Last night as I went to sleep, I repeated these two words to myself as the anxiety was building and my body was beginning to shake.

There are many references in the bible to protection and peace. God has given his peace to us so there is no need to fear. However as a meer mortal that appears easier said than done. Over the past couple of years, I have leaned on God more than ever before as I dealt with some personal issues that sent me into a spin. In those times I prayed, sought refuge in his words and found peace. Once again, I need to reaffirm that this giant does not rule my life. He has no place here, no home and his foot is about to be jammed in a closing door.

If you are facing a giant, close the door. He can knock all he wants but don't let him in. Stand firm and seek the peace that only God can give in these challenging times. God never promised an easy ride and it is through these times that we grow stronger. For me, my challenge today is to close that door (and keep it closed), stay focused on was is good and true and believe that I have all I need - peace and protection.

With Love,

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