Sunday, December 5, 2010

More than just specks on this earth

Have you ever asked the question ‘what on earth am I here for?’ Each week is a blur of taxi driving, whipping up meals, washing clothes around working ‘x’ number of hours each day. One must ask if life was meant to be more than this typical humdrum that fills the hours in the day.

I stood out in the backyard the other night looking skyward. The universe is far greater than just what I can see from my backyard. As the year goes on the view changes, constellations pass overhead as skies put on a magnificent nightly display. Nothing is by chance, not even one of the stars. Each was created, crafted and placed where it is for a purpose. Life expectancy may be limited with some stars burning out and disappearing sooner than others. What about me? Am I just destined to burn out and disappear? When I go will anyone remember me or will I just be yet another person on this earth that arrived, lived and died? I am determined to be more. I may not change the world and I may die with dishpan hands but believe it or not, it won’t be in vain.

My goal is to leave a legacy to my children. To leave them with more than just memories of a mum who picked, packed and washed up. I want to leave them with the most important lesson of all - that there is more to life than meets the eye. Each of us has a journey to fulfil and whether we go on to find fame and fortune, or just live our lives from our own backyard.

Life can be an exciting journey however for me, I have found life to be sweeter when I let God take control. As much as I think I know what I want, he knows better and he does a far better job at the helm than I do. If it was left to me I would be stuck on a roundabout going around and around, trying to work out which exit to take. In the meantime, the stresses of life and general chaos would be overtaking me and I would be struggling to stay sane.

What I have learn't is that we are more than just specks on this earth and we have a choice to either make this life a life worth remembering or just to burn out and leave nothing behind. Following God doesn’t mean that we are exempt from tough times. What faith does give is a peace through those times and a comfort in knowing that someone higher up the food chain has this covered. The voyage can still be rough and then there are times when we seem to sail through but regardless, it is a ride worth hanging on for.

So as I aim to find the purpose for my life, I encourage you to do some soul searching too. Perhaps there is a magnificent adventure that is waiting for you. Perhaps you are already there. Whatever the future holds, it should be one that we look forward to with the aim of leaving something behind for others and not being just a speck that walked on the earth.

With Love,

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