As a working mother and wife, there rarely seems enough hours in the day. Furthermore, the thought of taking time out for oneself can often lead to feelings of guilt. I wish that with a twitch of my nose, all housework would be done, lunches made, work complete and I could remain warm and snug in my bed, at least until 6.30am. The endless housework, regular safari's across town with children, all while cooking tea and washing clothes – when does it stop? When did you last take ten minutes or so for yourself, run a warm bath, lock the door and refuse to come out? When did you and your partner last slip away for a romantic weekend with no kids to build your relationship? When did you last make a point of meeting with friends over a cuppa?
Life gets far too busy, time flies and each year seems to go faster. I swear we must be back to only 15 hours each day because it certainly doesn’t feel like 24. We must remember that if we are to keep the family together, as we mothers do, we have to look after ourselves. This is never as evident as when we succumb to illness. A couple of days sick and you re-enter the world to find the dishes piled, children wearing their jocks inside out to save on washing and the cat sprawled across the floor from starvation.
I encourage you to take time out for yourself - you deserve it! It doesn't have to be a weekend away, maybe just half an hour will do. We must put down the household appliances, take the apron off and replace it with a fluffy robe and slippers. Find your place of peace. It may be a quiet cuppa under a tree in the backyard or a soak in a tub with soft music playing. Whatever it is, find a way to tune out, switch off and find your innerself. You must take the time to stop, relax and rejuvenate to be able to continue on. Have your day of rest (God did), book that weekend away with your partner and sleep in once every now and then. It will help you keep your sanity, you will be much happier in yourself and the kids, hubby, dog and cat can wait until you re-appear. Hark! I hear the call. One that says come soak and let all the stress flow from your body. Yes, that candle lit bath calleth me and because I hate to disappoint, I best go and ensure that the level of service in this fine establishment is up to scratch.
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